Material Studies

Here is some work I did for one of my classes where I had to create multiple materials, and a prop to showcase them.

For this study, I made metal, plastic, glass-like, and painted materials. I created a clock to showcase a few of these materials.

For this study, I made metal, plastic, glass-like, and painted materials. I created a clock to showcase a few of these materials.

A page from my process book giving a compact breakdown of the clock.

A page from my process book giving a compact breakdown of the clock.

Here is a game-ready version of the clock. Textures were remade in Substance Painter.

For this study, I made wood, fabric, stone, brick, and concrete materials. I created Conner's tomahawk from Assassin's Creed 3 to showcase a few of these materials.

For this study, I made wood, fabric, stone, brick, and concrete materials. I created Conner's tomahawk from Assassin's Creed 3 to showcase a few of these materials.

A page from my process book giving a compact breakdown of the tomahawk.

A page from my process book giving a compact breakdown of the tomahawk.